Saturday, 17 June 2017

English Paper about LSD(Lysergic acid diethylamide)

English Paper
“LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide)
Teacher by:
Sa’diah, S.Pd.I
Arrange by:
Riska furwanti


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
       By reciting puja and praise Allah SWT, then we can finish a paper entitled "Drug and LSD " and with the hope that this paper can be useful and make reference to us so that more get to know about what the drug once the danger if we consume illicit goods.
       The paper also as a final paper on the requirements Subjects Social Sciences and Cultural Dasar. The last words may be useful for Student, General Particularly on myself and all who read this paper.
 Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Palangka Raya,  July 2016



FOREWORD  ....................................................................................................... .... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... .... 2

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 3
1.1  Background   ........................................................................................... .... 3
1.2  Problem Formulation .............................................................................. .... 3
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................................... .... 4
2.1  Definition of LSD..................................................................................... .... 4
2.2  Dangers For Students and Teens ............................................................ .... 4
2.3  Prevention ............................................................................................... ....             5
2.4  How Drug Treatment ............................................................................. .... 5
CHAPTER III FINAL .......................................................................................... .... 6
3.1  Conclusions ............................................................................................. .... 6
3.2  Recommendations ................................................................................... .... 6
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... .... 7

1.1  Background
                As we know that the drug is a substance that can threaten our lives anyway even the people around us. Various kinds of things could be the reason for a person to use drugs ranging fromcuriosity that usually arises in the teenage years, the rebound in the face of problems, look for things that are considered extreme in order to relieve pain.
            However, the drugs aren’t always have a negative impact for us, there are also some benefitsfrom using drugs in accordance with the rules of origin. Prevention and control of the drug users hadbeen widely disseminated in various places with various people, therefore we strongly hope that this paper can add to our collective knowledge to understand what and how the drugs.
1.2  Problem Formulation
1.      What the Definition of LSD?
2.      How Dangers of drugs For Students and Teens?   
3.      How to Prevention it?
4.      How Drug Treatment?

2.1 Definition of LSD
Regarding illicit drug, LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) is still not many people were to know him. Though these drugs have been found since 1938 by a chemist named Albert Hoffman. Earlier, LSD was used as a therapeutic drug.
LSD that fall into this class of psychotropic drugs can cause dependence as other drugs. The impact is also very dangerous, even LSD can cause severe hallucinations.
Even users may experience distortion of time, the death of the ego, and cognitive shift. In other words, people who consume it can imagine level of a god.
It could be after taking LSD, a motorist was driving in the race that spurred the vehicle height. Or it could be he was driving in Jakarta but was on a quiet street so oblivious to the surrounding environment.
The following effects if consumed LSD:
·         user could feel the incredible sensation resulting from substances it contains. These good feelings may change abruptly.
·         Without realizing it, people who consume LSD did not know if she was in the real world or the unreal world.
·         Delusions can occur shortly after taking LSD. The wearer can feel somewhere unfamiliar or feelings of joy at the same time.
·         Not only that, the wearer can feel panicked, confused by her condition, despair, mental disorders to loss of self-control.
·         If consumed continuously, can cause brain damage, memory loss, difficulty thinking, even at risk of death.
2.2 Dangers For Students and Teens
            In the beginning, students who take drugs are usually preceded by his acquaintance with cigarette. Cause the smoking habit seems to have become commonplace among students today. From this habit, the association continues to increase, especially when students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then experienced a negative addicted. Impact drug abuse against children or adolescents is.
As follows :
• Changes in attitude, temperament and personality,
• Often truant, decreasing discipline and values ​​of the lesson,
• Being irritable and quick to anger,
• Frequent yawning, sleepy and lazy,
• Any health care for themselves,
• Likes to steal to buy drugs.
2.3 Prevention efforts
            Efforts to prevent the spread of drugs among students, it should be a joint responsibility. In this case all parties, including parents, teachers, and the community should be actively involved in wary of the threat of drugs to our children. The efforts more concrete we can do is cooperate with the authorities to do counseling about the dangers of drugs, or may hold a sudden raid on a regular basis. Then the assistance of the parents themselves with attention and affection. The school should be strict monitoring of the movements of their students, because usually spread (transaction) drugs often occur around the school. Equally important, the moral and religious education should be emphasized to the students. Because one of the causes of children's falling into this vicious circle is the lack of moral and religious education that they absorbed, so abominably like this one, eventually they live.
Therefore, from now on, we as educators, teachers, and as parents, should be alert and vigilant, of the dangers of drugs which at times can trap our children alone. With various attempts mentioned above, let us keep and eye on our students, from the dangers of drugs, so our expectations for the spawn generations of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized with good
2.4 How Drug Treatment
            Relief Drugs patients bathed with warm water, drink a lot, eat- amounts of nutritious food little and often and diverted attention from the drug.
Rehailitation and Detoxification. detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins (drugs or other addictive substances) from the body by stopping the total consumption of all addictive substances used or by lowering the dose of the drug substitute.
After undergoing detoxification to its conclusion (already negative urine tests), the physical body is not "hooked" again, but psychologically there is a sense of longing and missed against these substances still trailed the minds and feelings of the addict.

3.1    Conclusions
·         Based on the discussion can be concluded that:
·         Drugs are goods that are extremely dangerous and can damage the nervous system that can change a person's personality is getting worse
·         Drugs are a source of criminal acts that could undermine the norm and publik peace.
·         Potential negative impact on the body that affect both
·         physical and psychological
·         LSD is an abbreviation of Lysergic acid diethylamide
3.2    Recommendations
In view of the need for vigilance among teenagers, especially for students and teens Given the variety of risks that can be generated using the drug is needed before it's too late, It is better to prevent than cure.


·         Ahmad Amin, Books About Drug, Bandung, Youth Rosdakarya, 1991.
· Narcotics

GOOD LUCK...!!! ;)

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